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Event-Rückblick: Forum Event 16.03.2021

Interne News
Put on your mask and cape: own the new normal! Spencer Horn “summed up” the current situation that is different to what we were used to before COVID-19 changed our lives. He pointed out the fun side of home office, i.e. combining business outfits with boxershorts as trousers become rather irrelevant in remote settings. On the other side he provided us with different possibilities to deal with the situation: 1. Look for the Humor in your daily routines 2. Power of Questions, find the why in the things you do 3. Be grateful, although a situation does not turn out as expected there are always things you can be grateful for – the smile of a beloved one, health, that take-away is working well. 4. Learned optimism, see the positive aspects. We often focus on the negative side of things happening around us. But we can change our focus and look for the good parts of events initially experienced as negative and ask ourselves what chance is in the situation for me 5. Act as if, You choose how you react. If an FBI agent made a backflip in a bar and his Glock went off and shot you in the foot – would you be? A) lucky or B) unlucky 6. Corporate Wellness, seek for ways to increase wellbeing around you. Now it is up to us to own the new normal. How did you do on the task you chose during the evening?



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