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Event-Rückblick: Englisch Speaking PMs Stammtisch May

Interne News
Seven attended the virtual Stammtisch that was held using Microsoft Teams. The topic of discussion was “ Manage Change”. A project is about implementing a change and this is usually accompanied by resistance as people are fearful of the impact of the change on them and their job security. To overcome this resistance it is necessary to understand the impact of the change on people and processes as well as the benefits that are anticipated from the implementation. Then these aspects of the project need to be communicated clearly to those affected to gain the required buy-in. Alongside the communication appropriate training should be delivered to overcome the fear factor. Often projects fail because insufficient attention is given to managing the resultant change. Also the Project Manager needs to be well versed with the Project Scope and Contract details in the first place. Changes or any variation from Contract / Project Scope should be well documented and communicated to all interested parties as part of the project’s Change Management process. Next Stammtisch will be and held on Thursday 17th June 2021 at a venue to be announced nearer the time starting at 19:30. The topic of discussion is “ PMBOK 7.0”. If you want to join the next Stammtisch, please send an short email to Faez.Tuma@pmi-austria.org  



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