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Event-Rückblick: Englisch Speaking PMs Stammtisch January

Interne News
Six attended the virtual Stammtisch that was held using Microsoft Teams. The topic of discussion was “ Time Management”. Time management is the planning process of tasks and activities to effectively achieve specific goals and quality standards by a certain time taking into account the conflicting demands that exist. This process applies equally to work and personal spheres. In a project situation the management of time is very much dependant on the project team’s size and its composition as well as the working environment within which it exists. The culture of the organisation and the people has a significant impact on the team’s performance and the way things get done and expectations should be set accordingly. Tools such as the Eisenhour Approach help group tasks by complexity, priority and importance so as to enable the Project Manager focus on planning tasks and resources accordingly. Clearly part of the Time Management process is the need to review the plans regularly and make appropriate adjustments as progress is made. Also it is necessary to make sure that things get done in the correct sequence with the appropriate resources. Meetings can be a great waste of time of not managed correctly. It is critical that meetings are always set with specific agenda and their outcome is documented with allocated actions and target dates list. Here are a couple of good courses on Time Management. The next Stammtisch will be held on Thursday 24th February 2022 at 19:00. The topic of discussion is “ PMBOK 7.0”.  



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