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Event-Rückblick: Englisch Speaking PMs Stammtisch April

Interne News
Ten attended the virtual Stammtisch that was held using Microsoft Teams. The topic of discussion was “ Project Management in VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) environment”. To varying degrees managing projects is usually carried out in VUCA environment as there is always an element of uncertainty about achieving the end point within time and budget coupled with volatility arising from changing requirements and resources. In addition rarely the scope is so well defined that there is no ambiguity about it. The complexity arises from the implementation of a new solution in an existing environment. However, with the current Information Revolution coupled with the COVID related work restrictions the effect of the VUCA environment on projects is more pronounced as it adds more pressure on the project manager and the project team. Decisions are delayed, strategies changed and projects are put on hold. Business start-ups are effected more severely as they need to be more agile and be able to respond quickly to changing situations. The project manager needs to be become a more effective and articulate communicator in order to move things along. More emphasis on communication within and outside the project team. Next Stammtisch will be virtual and held on Thursday 20th May 2021 starting at 19:30. The topic of discussion is “ Managing Change”. If you want to join the next Stammtisch, please send an short email to Faez.Tuma@pmi-austria.org  



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